Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru

Y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg

Gwaith dilynol ar yr adroddiad Cadernid Meddwl

MOM: 30

Ymateb gan: Cymdeithas Cwnsela a Seicotherapi Prydain



National Assembly for Wales
Children, Young People and Education Committee

Follow-up on the Mind over Matter report

MOM 30

Response from: British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy



School counselling

Recommendation 6 (2018). That the Welsh Government assess the quality of the statutory school counselling available, not least how the service copes with increasing demand, tackles stigma and meets the needs of children and young people. This should include consideration of providing counselling support online and outside lessons/school, and for those younger than 11 years old.

RAG status

Why have you given this RAG status?

Where, realistically, should we be by April 2021?

What needs to be done to get us there?


BACP has advised Welsh Government on the roll out of SBC in Wales since 2009 and attend the Counselling Network meetings in an advisory capacity. Our engagement in this and ongoing discussions with members and accredited services shows that there are ongoing concerns about waiting times for counselling in some geographical areas.




·         Greater understanding re the waiting lists in some areas (resource/demand issue?)

·         Consistency in recording outcome measures to better look at trends and impact

·         Online counselling provision delivered in line with guidelines and good practice developed by ACTO (Association of Counselling and Therapy Online)

·         Consideration of funding primary school counselling, ensuring even earlier intervention, within a pilot area

Share good practice re approaches that work well around waiting lists.

BACP Research department to offer data analysis on CORE outcomes 

Continue to develop counselling provision for year 6 upwards, striving for consistency across Wales for this age group before considering a national roll out with younger primary aged children

Highlight the impact of counselling to reduce the strain on more specialist CAMHs provision across Wales